Made From Cactus
Ladies Cactus Bags

Cactus Bag Signature Line Maia Green

Cactus Bag Signature Line Maia

Cactus Bag Signature Line Maia Brown

Cactus Bag Iris GreenXL

Cactus Bag Iris Black XL

Cactus Bag Iris BrownXL
More Cactus Products

Cactus Wallet Hemera Black

Cactus Wallet Hemera Green

Cactus Wallet Hemera Brown

Cactus Cosmetic Pouch Metis Black

Cactus Cosmetic Pouch Metis Green

Cactus Cosmetic Pouch Metis Brown

Cactus-Leather Keyring Pia Green
Nowadays climate change is one of the biggest challenges that humanity has to face, in the future prolonged droughts and desertification are the subjects - among others-, that will address several countries, specifically Africa and Asia, where farmers and small producers of low income will become seriously affected. If people want to survive on these harsh conditions, their crops must need to tolerate drought, high temperatures and poor soils. Cacti interest around the world has grown with special focus on nopal (Opuntia ficus-indica) because of its unique characteristics, which provides it with resilience towards the limiting conditions previously mentioned. The nopal is capable of growing on land where other crops won’t prosper. It can be used for the restoration of degraded land in many countries, it is the only crop which can be trust where all the others have failed. This plant by its own right should be among the miracles of nature. The cultivation of nopal was originated in Mexico which is still the main producer and consumer in the world.
Tailored to fit your day.

Lilly Crossbody Bag Royal Blue

Lilly Crossbody Bag Camel Brown

Lilly Crossbody Bag Black

Lilly Crossbody Bag Dark Blue
“Getting Ready For Spring”

Aurora Shoulder Bag Light Blue

Aurora Shoulder Bag Dark Brown

Aurora Shoulder Bag Bordeaux

Aurora Shoulder Bag Light Mud

Aurora Shoulder Bag Light Pink

Aurora Shoulder Bag Royal Blue

Aurora Shoulder Bag Red

Aurora Shoulder Bag Metallic
Featured collection

Cactus Wallet Hemera Black

Cactus Wallet Hemera Green

Cactus Wallet Hemera Brown

Elli Light Beige

Carmen Clutch Red

Carmen Clutch Dark Brown

Carmen Clutch Light Beige

Elli Red
the beauty of leather
Made to last
At Zoccolillo we believe that the true beauty of natural materials can only be appreciated when executed with outmost quality and artisan level of workmanship. By combining top quality materials with flawless craftsmanship, we aim to create essentials that are made to last.

As a recurring customer of Zoccolillo I carry almost exclusively her bags.
- Helga Feusi -
Eveline Zoccolillo bietet höchstwertige Leder-Produkte an. Ich habe bereits einen Grütel wie auch einen Schlüsselanhänger dort gekauft und bin absolut zufrieden. Neben der Qualität ist auch die grosse Auswahl an Produkten sehr überzeugend, man kann zwischen verschiedenen Farben und Designs wählen. Zudem berät Eveline Zoccolillo sehr kompetent und weisst einen grossen Erfahrungsschatz in Bezug auf Lederwaren auf. Ich kann Eveline Zoccolillo wärmstens empfehlen und werde bald wieder dort einkaufen.
- Felix Baur -
I always get many compliments for the beautiful accessories and recommend Eveline and her products to others.
Hello, I ordered 2 belts from Evelin / Bolso GmbH. Madness. Great style, great quality. I always have joy when I carry you. I can only recommend you and your products. Super quality, you just have to buy it, otherwise it's your own fault. Keep it up, Eveline !!!
At Eveline Zoccolillo everyone finds something - whether man or woman. She designs the most beautiful handbags, Bags and accessories made of finest leather.
- Geerije Achterberg-Kremmling -
Ich habe vor einigen Monaten ein Portemonnaie aus der Kollektion von Eveline geschenkt bekommen. Ich bin nach wie vor begeistert von der Qualität. Das Produkt sieht immer noch aus wie Neu. Ich finde in Bezug auf das heutige Plastikproblem macht es definitiv Sinn auf solche nachhaltige Produkte zu setzen.